
Lazysusan is a Python framework for authoring Amazon Alexa applications.

At a very high level, Alexa apps are quite simple from a code perspective. The Alexa platform sends json requests to a publicly accessible endpoint (either an https server or AWS Lambda function) and that endpoint responds with a specific json response.

Lazysusan helps you digest these requests and respond appropriately.

Lazysusan is designed mainly around a yaml configuration file which defines how your application will respond to different intents. Additionally, Lazysusan can keep track of the user’s current state in your application where “state” really means the last used intent.

There are two main components in any Lazysusan applicaiton:

  • A states.yml file which defines how users will be directed through your Alexa skill
  • A file which used the LazySusanApp class to digest requests and produce responses in combination with states.yml

To understand Lazysusan applications and how to author your configuration yaml file it’s necessary to understand how Lazysusan determines the response to send. The following sequence is the process that Lazysusan uses to determine the approprate response payload:

  • Look at the current state
  • Grab the matching yaml block for the current state
  • Look at the Intent sent in the request
  • Find the matching Intent in the branches map
  • Reply with the response for that matching branch or default if the Intent isn’t defined in the branches map

Let’s work through a concrete example.

The states.yaml file which would drive this interaction would look like the following

    shouldEndSession: false
      type: SSML
      ssml: >
          Welcome to simple recipe helper. Would you like to make some scrambled
      type: SSML
      ssml: >
          Would you like to make some scrambled eggs?
    AMAZON.YesIntent: ingredientsScrambledEggs
    default: goodBye

    shouldEndSession: false
      type: SSML
      ssml: >
          For this recipe you will need a non stick frying pan, a spatula, a
          bowl, a fork, and 2 eggs. Have you located all of these and are you
          ready to begin?
      type: SSML
      ssml: >
          For this recipe you will need a non stick frying pan, a spatula, a
          bowl, a fork, and 2 eggs. Have you located all of these and are you
          ready to begin?
    AMAZON.YesIntent: stepOneScrambledEggs
    AMAZON.NoIntent: ingredientsScrambledEggs
    default: goodBye

The exact details for an interaction:

  • User launches the Alexa skill (i.e., “Alexa, open recipe helper” -> LaunchRequest)
  • Lazysusan picks up the LaunchRequest and maps that to the initialState response. Lazysusan saves the current state as initialState.
  • RecipeHelper creates a response based on the contents of the yaml file (i.e., “Welcom to simple recipe helper. Would you like to make some scrambled eggs?”)
  • User responds to the question and triggers a new Intent (i.e., “yes” -> AMAZON.YesIntent)
  • MyApp picks up the AMAZON.YesIntent in the request. It also knows the current state is initialState. Lazysusan finds that it should respond with the ingredientsScrambledEggs block with this combination of Intent and state. Lazysusan saves the current state as ingredientsScrambledEggs and responds based on the contents of the ingredientsScrambledEggs block in the yaml file. (i.e., “For this recipe you will need a non stick frying pan...are you ready to begin?”)
  • User responds to the question and triggers another request with a new Intent (i.e., “yes” -> AMAZON.YesIntent)
  • MyApp picks up the AMAZON.YesIntent in the request. It also knows the current state is ingredientsScrambledEggs. With these two pieces of information it finds that it should reply with the stepOneScrambledEggs message (not shown).
  • Lazysusan saves the current state as stepOneScrambledEggs before sending response
  LaunchRequest         # current state == null
 | initialState |        # map LaunchRequest to initialState response
     response           # current state == initialState
| AMZ.YesIntent |       # map AMAZON.YesIntent to ingredientsScrambledEggs response
     response           # current state = ingredientsScrambledEggs
| AMZ.YesIntent |       # map AMAZON.YesIntent to stepOneScrambledEggs
     response           # current state == stepOneScrambledEggs