Environment Variables

So that you don’t have to write a lot of code to change the applications behavior, there are several environment variables that are a part of the Lazysusan framework that allow you to alter functionality without having to write additional code.


This environment variable is required by serverless so skill logic can be deployed to AWS Lambda. This information can be obtained from AWS when generating access keys for a specific user.


This environment variable is required by serverless so skill logic can be deployed to AWS Lambda. This information can be obtained from AWS when generating access keys for a specific user.


This environment variable is required by serverless to ensure the skill logic is deployed to the correct region in AWS. For now, this should be set to us-east-1.


This environment variable is optional, but helpful so that when you are running a docker container you can verify which environment will be updated during a deployment.


This environment variable is optional and determines the log level of the AWS Lambda function. The available values for this environment variable are the standard Python logging levels. If a log level is not specified, logging.WARN will be used as the default.


This evironment variable is optional and determines how Lazysusan sessions will be handled throughout the skill lifecycle. The available values are:

memory: No session information will be tracked, the initialState will be used to drive all state transition throughout the skill.

cookie: With this setting, session information will live in the request - response lifecycle so that state transitions can occur. All session information is lost when skill execution is terminated.

dynamodb: This is the default setting if a value is not specified. With this setting, session information will be stored in DynamoDB so session information can live beyond the execution of the skill. This is particularly useful when playing long audio as the skill execution is terminated when the long audio is playing and audio playback metadata needs to be stored so that it can be resumed if needed.


This environment variable is required when LAZYSUSAN_SESSION_STORAGE_BACKEND is set to dynamodb. This allows serverless to create the appropriate DynamoDB table as well as allows the skill logic to properly access the DynamoDB table.


This environment variable is required when LAZYSUSAN_SESSION_STORAGE_BACKEND is set to dynamodb. This is used for finding the DynamoDB table that is set in LAZYSUSAN_SESSION_DYNAMODB_TABLE_NAME.


This environment variable is optional. It is used when LAZYSUSAN_SESSION_STORAGE_BACKEND is set to dynamodb and must be set to a positive integer. This allows the developer to specify a length of time that session information stored in DynamoDB is valid. The default value for this environment variable is 0 which means that a session is indefinitely valid.